Exciting times

It is with slight shock that I looked at the previous entry on my blog and found it was just a little while ago.  However, I have a legitimate excuse in that I've been a tad busy with launching my new venture; Vegucation, an organisation that delivers cooking & growing workshops for schools, events and parties. It's incredibly early days but so far I've been into Warren school in Lowestoft, through EastFeast, and am currently running a cooking club in Woodbridge, with another launching next week in Halesworth.

If you are running an event that could benefit from a cooking workshop for children, a party where the main entertainment is the children creating their own birthday tea or a transition day in school, then name your theme and Vegucation will come up with the idea, bring all the equipment and cook up a storm.

For more information please contact Vegucation at vegucationuk@gmail.com or check out events on the website and facebook page.

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