Roman Hill Primary 16th Jan 2013

Location: Lowestoft
Project: EastFeast and Waveney Food for Thought

Growing areas at Romanhill Primary

This afternoon I met the class from Romanhill Primary who I will be working with for the next year.  To get to know the children and look at what the school is already growing, myself and an EastFeast colleague, Bee, ran a very simple session.  

The children used strips of white material (actually recycled hospital sheets) and pastels to do rubbings of leaves, bark and flowers around the school.  As we were shown around the school the children did rubbings of things we found along the way - an ivy leaf, the pattern of a bench, tree bark. The result was a series of patterns which acted as a map the school grounds. Each child had a lovely piece of art work which, when combined, will make a lovely display. 

The plan is to go into the school once a week for an afternoon and work growing veg into their topic this term: Space...this is one small step for Roman Hill, one giant (and somewhat challenging) leap for me.  Watch this space (aha) for some creative links and rotten puns.
Rubbings made with pinecones, bark, lavender and anything else we could find on our tour of the school.

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